Consult with our AI experts
  • 11 AI projects
  • 10 AI experts
  • 25 Industry-specific, scalable solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions Tailored AI solutions that scale and deliver game-changing results

Consult with our AI experts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

  • 64% of businesses expect AI to increase productivity
  • AI is expected to see an annual growth rate of 37.3% from 2023 to 2030
  • Over 60% of business owners believe AI will improve customer relationships
  • AI is predicted to automate repetitive tasks by 30%

Source: Forbes

What We Deliver

AI Consultation

Dev.Pro offers free consultations with our experts to help leaders decide if implementing AI is the right move for their business and, if so, where and how it should be implemented.

Consult with our AI experts

Proof of Concept Implementation

We offer a fixed-price proof of concept, showing you and your team a prototype of potential AI solutions. This is typically delivered within two months and with a team of up to two Dev.Pro experts.

Cost-Effective Scalability

After the proof of concept is completed, we can offer assessments, recommendations, and implementation across your business.

Our Core Capabilities

Generative AI

Innovate with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative AI (GenAI) solutions like summarization, classification, sentiment analysis, and content creation.

Predictive Analytics

Enhance prediction capabilities and improve operational efficiency by leveraging advanced algorithms and data analysis.

Computer Vision

Transform video, images, or other visual data into actionable insights with Vision-Language Models (VLMs) and object detection.

Audio Processing

Accelerate processes, streamline data management, and increase user flexibility by leveraging advanced speech recognition technology, speech synthesis, noise reduction, music generation, etc.

Why Dev.Pro


25+ unique, scalable AI solutions across various domains

Expert research and development teams uncovering the latest AI solutions


Average cost savings of 32-45% relative to U.S. and European in-house staffing

Time zone advantage of nearshore and offshore resources in LatAm and Europe

Consistently delivering excellent results, with a high client satisfaction rating of 4.6/5

Our AI Leaders

Talk to us

Yurii Buchchenko

[Head of AI Practice]


Denis Slaschilin

[Principal Solutions Engineer]

Talk to us

How We Deliver

The approach we adopt varies based on the project’s stage and scope, but we typically follow these five steps after consultation:


Step 1: Problem Statement

Discover and formalize business challenges through comprehensive analysis and assess viable solutions to drive success


Step 2: Data Collection

Identify and standardize data from various sources, streamlining the path to informed, data-driven decisions


Step 3: Choose Solution

Optimize the architecture of the AI model, select suitable algorithms, and establish precise training and validation approaches for optimal performance


Step 4: Model Training

Enhance the AI model's capabilities through rigorous training, testing, and quality assessment using diverse datasets


Step 5: Test & Evaluate

Conduct comprehensive testing, evaluation, and fine-tuning to validate accuracy and enhance overall performance

Frequently Asked Questions

Which AI technologies or solutions would be most suitable for our business case?
AI technologies can range from Machine Learning (ML) for predictive analytics to Natural Language Processing (NLP) for customer service enhancements. This is a complex topic that requires careful consideration of unique business goals, requirements, and constraints.Dev.Pro provides free consultation with our AI experts to help you make this very decision. Consult with our AI experts
What costs are associated with AI adoption, and how can we justify the investment?
Costs include setup, training, maintenance, and building a robust data platform. This platform encompasses data pipelines, cleaning, enrichment, aggregation, and overall data transformation. Despite these expenses, the return on investment (ROI) stems from increased efficiency, competitive advantage, and cost savings through automation.To justify the investment, it's essential to follow a structured approach: consultancy, proof of concept, and production-grade solution. This iterative process helps uncover risks early, ensuring a successful AI adoption.
What are the risks or limitations associated with AI adoption, and how can we mitigate them?
Challenges encompass data privacy, ethical concerns, and data availability. While many companies have vast amounts of data, the quality often proves insufficient for AI applications.Mitigation strategies involve establishing clear ethical guidelines, implementing robust data governance practices, and preparing the workforce for AI integration. Additionally, prioritizing data quality through thorough validation and enhancement processes is crucial to mitigate risks associated with AI adoption.
What level of expertise is required for our team to effectively use AI technologies?
Expertise levels vary depending on the complexity of the AI technologies and the specific business problem being addressed. Basic AI applications may require minimal skills, while tackling more complex challenges demands advanced knowledge.It's essential to carefully consider the expertise needed for your specific objectives. Training existing team members and hiring specialized talent are crucial steps in ensuring successful AI integration. For tailored guidance on your AI journey, don't hesitate to reach out for consultation. Consult with our AI experts
What regulatory or compliance considerations come with AI implementation?
Compliance requirements vary depending on the industry and region. It's crucial to be aware of relevant laws such as GDPR and recent advancements like the EU AI Act. This necessitates conducting regular audits and implementing robust data protection measures to ensure adherence to regulatory standards.
How much ongoing support and maintenance is required after AI implementation?
AI systems need continuous monitoring, model retraining, and technical support to ensure optimal performance and security, necessitating a dedicated team or partnership.