
Financial Statement Processing

Client: Leading DeFi-enabled financial services provider for portfolio and asset management

Improved financial data processing efficiency by 60% for a leading DeFi provider, simplifying complex document handling with minimal manual effort


  • Variety of internal document data structures (e.g. PDF, Excel, JSON) across different service providers
  • Constant data structure changes
  • Sufficient quality and  quantity of data for model training 
  • Data anonymization for model training


  • A custom tool for extracted data review, approval, and pushing to destination systems
  • Data lake and data warehouse for collection and management of the extracted data from documents
  • Clustering for different vendors and types of documents 
  • UI interface for the team to undertake data labeling for ML model training
  • A tool for document classification and named entity recognition


  • Ability to process industry leading service provider documents
  • Manual efforts associated with data extraction decreased by 60%
  • Automated document processing
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