
Object Recognition & Categorization

Client: Leading company providing solutions to a chain of quick-service restaurants

Boosted drive-thru efficiency by intelligently automating order processing, significantly lightening cashier workload and speeding up service


  • Improve customer experience through faster and seamless order mapping
  • Eliminate limitations associated with the point of sale hardware being used
  • Fix unstable connection issues
  • Improve speed of service and increase drive-thru volume


  • Recognition of vehicle models and colors, as well as precise model-order matching
  • Selection of POS devices and software optimization based on memory limitation
  • Training on various objects, taking into account the fuzziness of the image and interference
  • Formation of training datasets in different weather conditions and lighting

Expected results

  • Increased accuracy of orders served due to seamless pairing of vehicles with the food waiting at the pickup window
  • Reduced cashier interaction with POS terminal
  • Increased car throughput, resulting in shorter lines, improved customer satisfaction, and increased order volume
Consult with our AI experts